The Badger Reunion was a big hit with Bradford and Mike making their first appearances since the mission. Brad is planning on installing alarm systems for the summer and is currently the CFO of Clearlake Bed and Breakfast. (He even has a business card.) After he makes his millions, he is returning to BYU-Idaho to study mechanical engineering. He brought along his friend, Cameron, who makes a living climbing. They were both determined to hit up some routes in the Cottonwood canyons. We hope they didn't freeze to death.
Mike has been home from Argentina for four weeks and hasn't changed a bit. He sported his riding boots and a Badger t-shirt to the reunion. Brother A talked him into returning to Badger for the summer to work as their head rangler. Way to hold onto the legacy, Mike!
Ryan Taylor just graduated from BYU-Idaho and is going to pursue a doctorate degree from BYU in Bio-Chemistry? He's still on the look-out for his mate, but recently set a two-and-a-half month record of a relationship.
Raechy is working at Michaels craft store and going to USU. She's majoring in Elementary Education and thinking about Special Education. She brought a man-friend to the reunion, Brandon, who made a great impression. Brandon is in the Master's program at USU studying mechanical engineering? and is a rugged, outdoorsy sort of fellow, perfect for Raechy. We're eager to hear the outcome of that relationship.
Jill and Tevya put out a delicious spread of snacks and welcomed us into their beautiful four-plex for the evening. Tev is working at Wells Fargo and is in the process of starting up a wholesale online meat business with Jill's brother. Jill is enjoying her job with the city Parks and Rec department. She is caught in a web of doggie training, lesbian love-life, and soccer schedules. She said her job is a combination of The Office and Desperate Housewives.
Christine showed up very tardy to the party, but we accepted her nonetheless. She brought along her man-friend, John, who graduated with a degree in English but is currently working at a bike shop. Christine is working at Tahitian Noni and training for a marathon. Unfortunately, I must give the approval on John at a later date because we only had about two minutes of interaction.
As for everyone else, we are sorry you couldn't make it to the bash. It wasn't as wild as in times past, but very enjoyable regardless. Here's a one-sentence update on our no-shows.
Chillie Willy- is still in NY on his mission--another reunion will happen when he returns
Brittany- is bringing souls to Christ in Tokyo.
Elise- putting phonebooks together in Seattle and currently cannot decide what to do with her life (turned down several nanny jobs, but wants to return to Maine for a couple weeks in the summer).
Josh- going to school at the U, nothing else is known
Aaron- working at Aspiro, a wilderness therapy camp for troubled teens
Andrea- taking care of her baby and husband in Rexburg. (Berrett just graduated!)
J-mamma- returned to Rexburg with baby, Scott is going to school.
Billie Jo- finished student teaching and is graduating in May. Caleb is still going to school in Rexburg
Ryan Middlemiss- in California, happenings unknown
T-Bird- working exceptionally hard to bring people to the gospel in Tennessee, returning in August.
Whew! It takes a while to update eighteen people's lives. Words to live by: You must be wealthy! Mosquito!
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I love when you update. thanks for keeping us all together.
latest update. i am actually really considering getting a real (not just for stocking girls for Ben to date) facebook account & you deserve to be my first friend once I actually get over the idea of being sucked into social networking I will join & request your friendship.
that last post was from Elise, NOT Auralee who was logged into my computer
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