Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lake Koocanusa with the Cousins

So this post is out of chronological order. I realized there was more Eureka stuff I wanted to publish. 
Lake Koocanusa, really a giant reservoir straddling the border between Montana and Canada. The "Koo" stands for Kootenai River that was dammed, the "can" is Canada, and the "usa" is for U.S.A. Kind of fun to say, but I feel like I would have named it in second grade or something. 
We went up to West Kootenai so Will could see the Amish country, but the store and everything was closed, unbeknownst to us. It was a beautiful drive, however. 
The whole clan, minus Mindy. She was always taking the pictures for us. The Henderson's were fabulous hosts. I definitely gained weight due to Mindy's delicious cooking. 
Moshe in a cool log on our hike to see a little waterfall. 

Grandpa Gary with grandson, Emil. So cute. 
In January, Sarah and I took pictures with the bellies. This is the "after" shot. It's always a fun adventure to go on car rides with two nursing babies. We definitely made the trip longer. 

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